Indian Society For Studies In Co-operation



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Indian Society for Studies in Cooperation was registered in the year 1979 primarily to promote Research and Studies in Cooperation amongst the Universities.

It has cooperative Institutions and individuals as members.

Presently, its membership is more than 500 comprising of Institutional Donor Members, Individual Donor members and Individual Life Members.




Indian Society for Studies in Cooperation was registered in the year 1979 primarily to promote Research and Studies in Cooperation amongst the Universities.  It has cooperative Institutions and individuals as members.  Presently, its membership is more than 500 comprising of Institutional Donor Members, Individual Donor members and Individual Life Members.

Society organizes Annual National Conventions every year in different parts of Country focusing on the important issues related to cooperation and allied sectors. At each of these Conventions papers are invited on subjects selected for the discussions.

Vision of Society

To build and strengthen professional, humane, viable, democratic and inclusive Indian Cooperative Movement, in particular and allied sectors in rural development, in general, such way that needy, economically and socially marginalized masses enjoy equality, dignity and harmony.

Mission of Society

To participate in social transformation through relevant research in cooperatives and allied sectors, training, publication and advocacy works aimed at integral development of the cooperatives, it’s members and other stake holders, in partnership with academicians, policy makers, co-operators and other people’s movements nationally and internationally.

Objectives of Society

To provide academic and professional guidance to agencies, institutions and personnel engaged in research in cooperatives, allied area’s and social sciences;

To offer fellowships and scholarships as and when applicable in furtherance of research in cooperatives;

To involve youth and emerging leaders through the ISSC programmes in collaboration with Universities and increase sector awareness and knowledge and active participation among youth and educational institutions;




Undertaking, organizing, and co-coordinating research in fundamental and applied aspects of cooperation.

Organizing or collaborating in the organization of conferences, seminars, workshops, symposia, colloquia and other educational programmes at the State, Regional, National and International levels.

Publishing journals, reports, papers, books, collection of readings, etc.

Instituting fellowships, scholarships and prizes.

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