ISSC is happy to announce that Dr Hema Yadav, Director, Vamnicom, Pune is the First Guest Editor for the Discussion Forum on ISSC website. Dr Yadav will edit and facilitate discussions on the Forum for month of October 2021.
Dr Hema Yadav before joining Vamnicom as Director, was heading National Institute of Agriculture Marketing, NIAM, Jaipur. She has wide experience in academics, research and administration. As a renowned researcher Dr Yadav has lead number of projects of various ministries of Govt. of India.
For the first fortnight of October 2021, Dr Yadav has announced following topic for discussion,
“Policy and Strategic interventions by Central and State Governments to strengthen Primary Agriculture Credit Societies in India”.
It is needless to say India is agriculture country and 65 percent population of India is rural based. Though share of cooperative credit is declining sharply over the years still accessibility, affordability and understanding the needs of farmers are there with cooperative credit system. PACS, as the grassroot level institutions in the system, not only connect with farmers but play the major operational role. In spite of its importance, many of the PACS are financially un-viable, weak and few of them failed.
For the benefit of farmers, Indian economy PACS must succeed. PACS movement need to be revitalized, strengthen. Readers are requested to suggest various Policies and Strategies that State needs to adopt for strengthening PACS movement in India. The interventions suggested should be practical and suitablefor applications. We welcome readers suggestions on the forum.