


To prepare, print and publish papers, periodicals and books in furtherance of the objectives of Society and the promotion of social science research;

To offer, on request, consultancy services to the Government of India, State Governments and Union Territory Administrations, universities, colleges and other educational institutions and organizations in business, industry or trade;

To act as a clearing house of ideas and information or research in cooperatives, allied area’s and social sciences, with special emphasis on the problems of cooperatives and rural development as well any aspect of national life.

To collaborate with other agencies, institutions and organizations, including universities, colleges, management institutes and other institutes in India and abroad, in such manner as may be necessary for the promotion of the objective of Society.

Generally, to undertake all such activities and programmes as may assist in promoting research in cooperatives, allied area’s and social sciences in India.

To secure and accept, endowments, grants–in–aid, donations or gifts on mutually agreed terms and conditions.

To acquire by gift, purchase, lease or otherwise any property, movable or immovable, which may be necessary or convenient for the purpose of the Centre and to construct, alter and maintain any building or buildings for the purpose of the Centre.

To provide programmes of advanced training to teachers in universities and colleges with a view to improving the quality of teaching and research in social sciences.

To undertake projects or activity which renders itself useful for the furtherance of development and social welfare.

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